
The world was shaken in 2021, which saw the US scarred by what seemed like a new culture of rioting, looting, and crime. On the back of an already overwhelmed, reactive law enforcement system, it is no wonder that 2021 saw some of the highest recorded numbers of firearms sales in history. Needless to say, the atmosphere around home security has become much more severe. If you are someone who is adamant about protecting your home, it is time to start thinking about a home security assessment. Here is everything you need to know.

What Is A Home Security Assessment?

A home security assessment, or physical threat assessment, is a professional analysis of a home and its surrounding community. This assessment is done to gauge potential threats in the immediate area, gain insight into possible points of entry for criminals, and evaluate existing security precautions to reduce the chances of a crime being committed in a home whether people are there or not. Now, that seems like a pretty simple assessment. You might think that a simple survey of the quality of the neighborhood you are in will secure you, your family, and your home. That is not always the case, however, but a home security assessment can help in providing you with the necessary knowledge of your home so that you can be better equipped to defend it when the time is necessary.

What Does A Physical Threat Assessment Include?

At the heart of a physical threat assessment is the mitigation of all perceivable risks to assets and loved ones. These assessments are conducted by a security consultant who will evaluate all the aspects of a home’s potential weak points, both physically and digitally. These may simply be things like entryways into the house, weak passwords, assets held in view outside of windows, and placement of security systems in the house. The consultant will evaluate all of these potential risk hazards and relay that information to the homeowner.

Here are some of the things a home security consultant will consider when evaluating potential risks in a home:

House Perimeter

  • Are house numbers readily visible from the street and rear alley, properly painted on the curb, or applied to a curbside mailbox to help emergency responders locate the home?
  • Shrubs and trees should be pruned away from sidewalks, driveways, porches, doors, windows, and gates to eliminate hiding places
  • Bushes under windows should be pruned below the sills
  • Lighting should be directed to cover the front, rear, and sides of the house, such as motion-censored spotlights, that are vandal-resistant and mounted under the roof eaves


  • All exterior doors should be of a solid material, such as wood, metal cased, or fiberglass
  • Sliding glass doors need extra security against prying and lifting
  • All door hinges should be on the inside. If not, an extra step must be taken to secure outside hinges


  • Windows should have a secondary locking mechanism to compliment the factory lock present on the window
  • Pop-out latches on newer windows should work perfectly
  • Double-pane windows are considered secondary locking devices and will provide more security from potential threats and elements
  • Thorny bushes are ideal in the case of plantings beneath windowsills

Home Interior

  • Security systems do not prevent crimes in the home and will likely succeed in hurrying the offender if no one is in the home. They are helpful in alerting the household of a burglar, as well as alerting authorities. Security systems should be used with other tools after threat assessment has been conducted on the house.
  • If a safe is present, understanding its function and its purpose is paramount. A security safe is designed to protect valuables. Safes come with various U.L. ratings and capabilities. It is ideal if a safe is securely fastened to the foundation of the home so that it cannot be carried away. This is even the case for larger, heavier safes, as anything can happen when no one is home.
  • Property management is key. There should be a record kept of all valuable items in the house. This can amount to the recording of serial numbers for electronics like desktops, flat screens, and especially those of firearms. Valuables without serial numbers, like jewelry and other collectible items, should have pictures taken of them, and can be placed on secure off-site servers.

How Can A Home Security Assessment Benefit You?

If the looming threat of a potential burglary is not enough to consider a home security assessment, here is how getting one can help you secure your home.

Many people rely too much on one system they might have that is designed to deter burglaries. This could be a security system which is designed to alert the police upon activating. Another could be a firearm, which entails a burglar/criminal already having entered the home. Not to mention the serious implications of firing a gun in the home with family present, and after the fact, with serious legal ramifications.

The fact is, most forms of home security are designed innately to be reactive. In essence, they are not so much security implements as defense implements, especially in the case of firearms. A home security assessment is designed to reduce the possibility of a burglary or crime that involves someone unlawfully entering a home. It is not just about making sure that you are posted up in a nice community or having the top-of-the-line security system, but ensuring that the house boasts as little opportunity for burglars to enter as possible beforehand. The mitigation of risk in the household is the number one way to keep valuables and family members safe.

A home invasion relies on a lot more factors than a person waiting to do something bad. Even in nature, a predator will likely only attack its prey if it is 100% sure of victory. Likewise, a potential home invader will only enter a home that appears easy to infiltrate with little risk. Anything can be the deciding factor in this case. Windows may give a view of valuable items, doors may appear less secure, and the like. This is one reason that many houses are infiltrated at times when people aren’t home. In the state of Florida, the rate of B&Es is much higher during and directly after hurricanes because people tend to evacuate.

A professional threat assessment will help you define the key areas a potential home invader may use to access your home so that you can add extra measures to deter the prospect of home invasion altogether. What’s more is that professional assessors are trained to view your home as a burglar would, noting key points and tactics that can be used against your home so that you are completely prepared.

Adequate home security relies on faith in the tools you have available to you. Professional home security consultants will gauge the effectiveness of security systems already set in place to make sure they are performing in the optimal locations in or around your property.

In terms of the neighborhood surrounding your house, professional consultants have tools they can utilize to determine how prone to burglaries your home may be. If we look back at nature, it is not the strongest animal which is preyed upon, but the weakest. Another house that may not be as secure could attract the attention of an opportunistic soul, inviting a potential home invader closer to your home. Knowing this information is vital to preparation against home invasion.

Can You Do A Home Security Assessment Yourself?

Of course, you can! Taking control of your home’s security is a critical task, and one that must be done intently. You can conduct an assessment yourself in which you can gauge some risk areas in your home, albeit a professional consultant will typically be able to discern these better and provide more consultation on how to fortify these areas against home invasion.

Make sure valuables are not visible on the street.

This should be a no-brainer, but people too often leave their windows or window curtains open, exposing valuables ready for any unsuspecting person to take. Keep valuable items out of sight no matter what.

Make sure there are no hiding spots near points of entry.

If you have ever taken a look at historical forts and castles, you will notice that they are posted far from any tree line that might conceal enemies. The same should be done for your house in that you must remove any potential hiding spots a burglar might use to enter your home.

Doors should be made of a solid material (as opposed to hollow interior doors).

Solid doors are important, as doors tend to be the first place a potential home invader will check, especially in the daytime or if no one is home. Solid wood or metal doors are perfect.

Illuminate entryways and pathways at night.

Contrary to what many people think, lighting up pathways and entryways actually acts more as a deterrent for home invaders than leaving them dark. Especially under the cover of night, home invaders typically try to use the cover of darkness as an advantage. Any camera system will help catch home invaders in the act as well.

Have an emergency plan in case of a break-in.

Especially if you have a family, it is imperative to have a plan for getting everyone to safety. Practice a routine with your family to be ready for any potential threats that may break into your home.

Make use of deadbolt locks on entryway doors.

Deadbolts are those locks that fastened to the foundation of the house and the upper frame of the doorway. They are great secondary locks in case the primary is picked during a home invasion.

Store valuables in a safe secured to the ground.

Valuables should be stored in safes regardless. These are great for items like money, firearms, and legal documents.

Get to know your neighborhood.

It is advised that you become acquainted with those in your neighborhood at least three doors down. Try to also collect information on burglaries that have happened in the neighborhood before.

Lock the backyard gate when not in use.

This deserves its own spot because backyard doors are seldom ever closed. While children are often to blame for unlocked, unclosed back doors, it is essentially an invitation to any person who might be looking for an easy way into your home.

Get a monitored home security system

Monitored home security systems are great for people who are not home much of the time. Whether it be for traveling or everyday work, a monitored system will notify you of any activity in your home.

Home security assessments are not the end all be all. True home security takes time, effort, and knowledge. Armed with knowledge from this blog, you are now better equipped to begin bolstering your home security approach. A physical threat assessment on your home is just what you need.

Here at Tharros, we take your home security very seriously. With our hassle-free approach, we have secured a number of homes and prepared families for the worst. If you are ready to take responsibility for the safety of your family and the security of your home with the latest technology and safety practices, give us a call or email us today!

(513) 964-0836


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